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Your Sleep Questions scientifically Answered

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Why do I need to sleep ?

Strictly spoken, you don't need to sleep at all. It's your choice ...
Nobody can ever force you to sleep.

Fact is, though, that one of the most efficient torture methods out there is depriving prisoners of sleep.

After being kept awake forcefully for no more than some 70 hours (about 3 consecutive days), willpower and resistance of prisoners inevitably has faded out. They no longer can control what they do or say. You get at their secrets. Eventually, they run out of steam, collapse, and die.

Why is that so?

By genetic design, your organism as a whole, every organ of it, and every cell, is subjected to

Performance Limitations

Performance limitations are not a matter of getting used to, willpower, discipline, or training. Laws of Nature such as Physics and Biochemistry non-negotiably dictate these limitations.

Some performance limitations are very obvious:

You are perfectly capable of turning your head to the left as well as to the right. However, you cannot turn your head to the left and simultaneously to the right. You also can never simultaneously breathe-in and breathe-out, despite the fact that you are perfectly capable of doing both.

Performance limitations force you to do either or. You have no choice, you must alternate vital activities such as breathing-in and out.

What have Performance Limitations to do with Sleep?

Performance limitations are the reason why you must sleep to keep yourself alive and well.

Your human organism has two fundamental modes of operation that are equally important to stay healthy and well. One mode is being awake; the other is sleeping. You can never simultaneously sleep and be awake, it's strictly either or - a fundamental performance limitation.

Being awake is the biological "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" mode of life. It consumes enormous amounts of bioenergy but does not produce any. It creates enormous wear and tear to your body but does not biologically restore you at all.

It is physically impossible for your organism to re-energize, restore, and heal while you are awake. Your body simply does not have the means to do both simultaneously - use energy and create energy, submit itself to wear and tear and do repairs. You can only do either or. That is why sleep deprivation torture breaks you rapidly and absolutely granted.

See also:  What do I do when I sleep ?

There is only one way to re-energize and restore your physical, emotional, and mental Self. You must stop being awake and active. Instead,

You must sleep

Sleeping is simply just as important as anything specific you could possibly do consciously when awake.

It may be a good idea to discard the mindset of "needing" to sleep. A much more healthy and empowering mindset is  Absolutely Wanting  to sleep.

No matter where you are at right now in your life, start to love to sleep - as long, efficiently, regularly, and frequently as you possibly can!

Sleeping abundantly makes all aspects of your awake life much more effortless, more joyful, and more fulfilling - also to the benefit of all others. The Laws of Nature grant you this.

No worries, it is biologically absolutely impossible to ever sleep too much.

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Next Question in Line:   What is Sleep ?

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Institute for Human Biology  -  Chemainus BC,  Canada
Martin H. Gremlich  Phil II, ATP, PiC